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  • maximilianschultz

Should You Go on A Tour or Plan Yourself?

It always strikes me as a little funny how so many people are loyal to either prepackaged travel, or to creating their own trip. This realization leads me to wonder if personality types mandate which one of these an individual/family becomes, or if it is something altogether more random. It also makes me question who, on a whole, has ended up with the better experience overall.

I have family friends who I have known my whole life, and during that time they have never taken a holiday that was not planned from beginning to end by someone other than themselves. Not only that, but they are particularly partial to alternating between three locales year in and year out. Then, my uncle and his family are adamant about avoiding any holidays that are replicas of what hundreds of other families are venturing out on.

To look at these two different families, I ust say they do not appear on the surface to be all that unalike. But, judging by the photos that I have seen from both groups trips, it appears that each has selected what is precisely best for them. Unfortunately, this does not answer any of my questions, or allow for me to promote one over the other.

Check out these great sources: Tripadvisor, LonelyPlanet

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